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How to look after yourself if you are cyberbullied

The most important thing to remember is that it is not your fault. You are not alone and there is help available.

How cyberbullying can affect your wellbeing

Cyberbullying can have a big impact on your mental health and wellbeing. You might feel upset, overwhelmed, embarrassed, scared or even angry – like everyone is picking on you. These feelings may last for a short time or a long time.

It’s important to remember that all these feelings are normal and other people who are cyberbullied feel them too.

Get help and support

Sometimes, it’s hard to know what to do when you are cyberbullied, but you don’t have to cope with it on your own. It can help to talk with someone else about what’s happened.

Tell someone you trust

Before you do anything, you should tell a trusted adult, teacher or friend who is not involved. Even though it can be hard, talking about it can make a big difference to the outcome. You can get a fresh point of view and work out what to do together. 

Try to stay connected with your trusted person while you get more information and deal with the situation. You might also ask them to help you follow the steps to report cyberbullying.

Contact a counselling and support service

If, like lots of people, you feel you don’t have anyone close you can talk to about cyberbullying – or you want expert help – there are counselling and support services available.

Services like Kids HelplineExternal link and HeadspaceExternal link provide expert, non-judgemental advice for free.

Tips for taking care of yourself online and offline

  1. Stay socially connectedYou might not feel like talking to other people when you’re feeling down or worried, but it’s important to keep joining in with others, online and offline, so you don’t start to feel lonely and left out.
  2. Reclaim your space onlineGetting back online after a bad experience can be overwhelming at first, but remember, you have every right to be there, and there are ways to make it easier. It might help to only chat online with close friends and family at first. You can change your device or account settings so only a small group of people can contact you.You can also ask a trusted friend to check in on you while you’re online, until you get your confidence back. You might even like to play a game or scroll your favourite posts together.It can be hard to stay positive when you’re feeling hurt and upset, but the way you handle a tough situation can make a big difference to the outcome.You can set a good example for online behaviour by showing you care about other people. If it’s safe to do so, don’t be afraid to respond to negative comments with positive ones.
  3. Create a safe space offline
  4. Spending lots of time online can affect your mood or make you feel like you’re missing out on other things. That’s why it’s good to log off for a while, even for a few hours each day. 
  5. Take a break from the conversation by muting notifications on services like WhatsApp or choosing one of the privacy settings on Snapchat.
  6. You can also try setting aside an internet-free zone in your home. For example, you can keep your phone and other devices out of your bedroom, especially at night, or switch off your devices or notifications at certain times of the day, such as when you’re studying.

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