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  • Cyberbullying

February 1, 2025/

Cyberbullying is when someone uses the internet to be mean to a child or young person so they feel bad or upset. eSafety helps prevent and deal with cyberbullying and its impacts. We do this by providing information, education and resources, and by investigating and helping to fix the most serious cases of cyberbullying.…

Am I cyberbullying others?

February 1, 2025/

This page is about what to do if you were mean to someone online or if you were called a bully. From saying sorry to deleting mean comments, there are lots of ways you can try to make things better if you have upset someone online. Why do people cyberbully others There are many reasons…

How to look after yourself if you are cyberbullied

January 26, 2025/

It can be hurtful when people are mean or spread lies about you online – but there are things you can do to feel better. The most important thing to remember is that it is not your fault. You are not alone and there is help available. How cyberbullying can affect your wellbeing Cyberbullying can…


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